In the midst of a gossipy tidbits in media, International Cricket Council (ICC) on Wednesday chose to permit Nepal to play ICC World Cricket League Championship.
The last two positions in the ICC World Cricket League Championship will now be filled by Kenya and Nepal, who completed third and fourth, separately, in the Pepsi ICC World Cricket League Division 2 in Namibia a week ago. They will join Hong Kong, Namibia, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Scotland and the United Arab Emirates in the two-year rivalry, which is planned to begin in mid-2015.
The new structure likewise incorporates an advancement and assignment framework for Associate and Affiliate Members, with a test arrangement to occur between the most reduced positioned Associate Member on the rankings table and the victor of the ICC World Cricket League Championship. The victor of the play-off will be incorporated on the Rankings table for the following cycle, and the failure will contend in the ICC World Cricket League Championship.
Ireland and Afghanistan will keep on playing in the four-day, top of the line ICC Intercontinental Cup 2015-17, alongside Hong Kong, Namibia, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Scotland and the United Arab Emirates.
- See more at: http://setopati.net/sports/5337/ICC-affirms Nepal%27s-place-in-ICC-World-Cricket-League-Championship/#sthash.omyolxv2.dpuf
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