To stop the spread of HIV Virus an amazing Jell has been invented. After hours of Sex it can be applied to stop the spreading of virus. It doesnot let the virus to spread among the body.Centers For Disease Control and Prevention's investigation team has made this amazing jel and has informed to Science Translation Medicine Journal for its application.
Before Scientists has made micro viruses that could disinfect the defects of some viral diseases.It consists of primary prevention form the HIV. Giving information about new investigation Walid Hanen thee Chief Investigator told that Women will be attracted towards this Jell and will use them for their security. They will use this product for their safety.
After hours of sex also it can be applied in the organ to prevent the flow of HIV Virus in the body.It does not let the DNA of Virus to enter into our DNA.HIV Virus generally enter to the DNA of Humans after six hours of their entrance.The use of this jel would minimize much cases of HIV .Raltegrevir that is present in the jel prevents the DNA of Virus from entering the Humans ones.
After the experiment on a female monkey the team concluded their success. After 30 minutes of HIV Infection the Jell was applied and there was only a HIV Virus left in the body. The investigation team also said that the efficiency of the Jell should be improved. After long experience only it can be tested on Humans.
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