Apps or applications has now become a important part of our life and this apps has a wonderful history. If we talk about the development of Apps then we couldn't forget iTunes published by Apple on 2007. After iTunes got the market people began to feel that many merits could be taken from those apps. iTunes consists of iTunes Media Player and Media Library. iTunes that can be used in OS X and Microsoft Windows, the user can listen Music, Music Videos, Television Shows, Audio Book, Cinema etc. This facility is also showed on iOs Operating system, iPhone and iPod Touch.

After the development of iTunes, soon after one year Apple launched its first iPhone where apps store applications were loaded. After this launch, there was a flood of applications. At the end of the same year to compete Apple, Google launched HTC Dream Android Market which is also known as t-Mobile G-1. This was only the first android smartphone.Beside it, more than 1 billions of applications were there in App Store of Apple.
Until September 2011 there were tens of thousand apps downloaded from App Store of Apple. Beside it, until 2010 Android System's smartphone applications were also downloaded-more than a billion. Canada's Research Enomation launched BlackBerry. MIcrosoft Windows Phone were also added in Apps Market. After publishing, Windows Phone on october 21, 2010 Microsoft also started to create and develop Apps for the users.
If we talk about best apps of 2013 we can conclude that in News Sector(Pulse) whereas in Game Modern Combat 4:Zero Hour, Best Cloud and Shrink app Dropbox, Best Fitness App Lose it!, Best Music App Spotify, Best TV/Video App Netflix, Best note taking app Evernote, Best Productivity App Quick Office Pro and Best Photo App Snapseesd. According to the report done by Global Web Index, it was found that the most used mobile App is Google Maps. It occupies 54% of users where as 44% Facebook,35% Youtube,30% Google Plus,We Chat 27%, Twitter 22%,Skype 22%,Facebook Messenger 22%,Whats App 17% and Instragram 11%.