Stars: Their endings and their Formation

19:11 |


The Life of the Stars depend upon the amount of Hydrogen gas present in them. As the amount of Hydrogen gas converted into helium, the temperature and colour of the star changes. The life of the star ends when there is very little or no hydrogen left with them. The final stage of the star depends upon their mass. Some are converted into red giants, some to white dwarfs and some ends with neutron star and some with black Hole.

Red Giants

The stars produce heat and light energy continuously due to the fusion  of hydrogen nuclei to helium nuclei. As the hydrogen of the star keeps on decreasing, the surface of the star goes on decreasing along with its surface temperature. The Outward pressure created by the fusion reaction becomes  less and less. As a result, the core of the sun contracts on its own gravity. However, the outer shell of the star which consists of hydrogen gas, expands due to the energy released in fusion reaction. This continues and finally the star becomes red and very giant. In this way red giant is formed.

White Dwarf

When the amount of hydrogen gas becomes very low, a star becomes red giant. If the mass of the star is comparable to the mass of solar system, the core part of the star goes on contracting and temperature at the core goes on increasing . It causes expansion of the atmosphere of the star and the star explodes. This is known as SuperNova. After nova exploision, the atmosphere of the star is lost and the core part continues to contract. Finally, the temperature of the core becomes very high, the helium nuclei start to fuse to form carbon/nitrogen nuclei. In this reaction, the star produces white visible light and thus make itself look white . In this way white dwarf is formed.
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A Background Study Of Chandragadi Drinking Water Consumer and Sanitary Community

18:56 |


1.1. Background of fieldwork Report:
Sources of income & expenditure play a vital role in any financial institution. Through the study of sources of income & expenditure, the different activities of an institution are aerated. By realizing all these facts I have tried to prepare the field work report of Chandragdi Drinking Water Consumer and Sanitary Community. Chandragadi Drinking Water Consumer and Sanitary Community's main sources of in income is received from water bill through it have been operating shuttle house and meat sale stalls in Chandragadi area it helps as subsidiary sources of income. Other source of income included sales of water meter and bills, rebate from Nepal Electricity Authority, different donations and grant application fees name and place change fees, membership renewal interest from deposit fine and penalty delay charge lagat katta etc.
Similary it's sources of expenditure includes salary, allowance, leave & graduity, TADA, dress as well as office operating and service expenses along with capital expenses.
After the close investigation, I found Chandragadi sanitary community is able to collect enough income from the above mentioned sources. Infact it is very much essential to know what are and how much the income & expenditure is. Net income cannot be calculated in absence of sources of income as a result it is a real challenge to allocated the enhances and evaluate the income and expenses. With the help of this report we can get the information about the different sources of income & expenditure of Chandragadi drinking water consumer and sanitary community.
In the beginning, this project had just extended 36kms of pipeline of water supply. Later, in 2058 B.S. Japanese GVT had conducted filter treatment liant and reservoir tank and extended the pipe line to 44kms. In accordance with the decentralization policy of GVT. Its management was handed over to local body in 2058, under the leadership of Lekhnath Niroula with 11 members committee for three years. Currently it is under the leadership of Santosh Pokhrel with 13 members body. After handing over the community the project had extended the pipe line up to 75 kms and its management is effective. It had been facillating pure drinking water to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, wards of Chandragadi VDC. And 5, 6, 10, 11 and 15, wards of Bhadrapur Municipality. Currently the total no of taps is 2032 and thousands of people are being beneficiated. It has also been a part in social works. It has been providing public taps in different junction and public places with almost 13 taps. This community also had constructed a shuttle house and meat sale stall in year 2061 for providing fresh and healthy meat and maintain and manage  cleanliness around Chandragadi area. It has started listening the complains and suggestion seriously. As a result of which, at present its management is effective and the quality of service is very high.
1.2. Literary Survey:
Since, on this topic 'SOURCE OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE" of "Chandragadi Drinking Water Consumer and Sanitary Society" report prepared by Bhuwan Gautam is my base and  i have visited concerned office for datas. Therefore, the facts and figures presented here are based on facts.
In course of finding the sources of income & expenditure of water supply project Chandragadi, many problems appeared. Even though, putting all those huddles aside, this research present the facts based data which are worth relying for other researches. Special programme broadcasted by NTV, special articles of newspaper and magazines, and the information transmitted by F.M. radios helped much to prepare this report. The "smarica" published by "Chandragadi Drinking water Consumer and Sanitary Community" water supply project, on Baisak 2063, " Annual Audit Report" 2064, 2065, 2066 respectively also helped me to receive information about its source of income & expenditure.

1.3. Purpose of study:
There is certain motive to prepare this fieldwork report. Generally, the objective of study and investigation is to achieve certain goal. So, this report has the following objectives and goals:
1.       To identify different source of income & expenditure
2.       To evaluate the effectiveness of drinking water and sanitation services
3.       To analyze the income & expenditure of different 3 fiscal years.
1.4.  Field work procedure:
To determine different sources of income & expenditure of drinking water supply project certain techniques have been followed. In order to prepare field work report first Reference material are collected, then according to format, sketh is being prepared and data is being collected from the concered officer of the project. After collection of data the case study and survey method is applied to present and analyze the data.
1.5.  Methods of data collection:
Various data are needed to prepare Field Work Report. So, in order to achieve those data two methods are used:
a.       Primary Data Collection
b.       Secondary data Collection
a.       Primary Data Collection:
Those data collected by personal visits, interviews, by cross question, by observing different places and question by post known as primary data. So, I personally visited the community and obtained data.
b.       Secondary Data Collection:
The references taken from those report which have been already prepared by other persons are source of secondary data. In this field work report Annual Audit Reports and Smarica Published by this community are sources of secondary data.
1.6.  Limitation of study:
The limitations of this field work report are as under;
a.       This report is only the study of sources of income & expenditure.
b.       This report has shown sources of income & expenditure for three years only.
c.       Due to take of experiences and time, least information is only provided.
d.       The information of sources of income & expenditure is provided up to year 2066/2067 only.
e.       Bank balance is excluded.
f.       Other information regarding administration, employee management is not shown in this report.
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Tourism In Nepal: Challenges and Solutions

00:10 |

Tourism is a major source of economy of our country Nepal.More than 3% Gross National Product(GNP) comes from tourism and provides employment opportunity to a large number of People. tourism is an important foreeign currency earning source of Nepal. Nepal needs foreign currency to import the foreign trade like oil, medicine, salt, machineries etc. So, having foreign currency reserved in sufficient amount is very important for Nepal. In between1999-2000, Nepal earned 12073.9 million rupees from tourism industry. this proves that tourism industry is very important for developing country like Nepal.For last few years the condition of Nepalese Tourism Industry is degrading due to:-

  1. Peace and Security in Nepal has been decreasing due to which the overflow of tourist is getting less in recent years.
  2. Pollution has been increased due to which the population is affected and the health of tourist is also getting bad.
  3. The infrastructures of tourism like lodge, hotels, transportation, communication etc. has not been well developed here.
  4. The government of Nepal is unable to enforce effective programs, policies and publicity to promote tourism.
  5. Regular and reliable international air service has not been available for the tourist coming from different countries.

Solution to the above mentioned problems:-

  1. Peace should be restored throughout the country as soon as possible.
  2. Hotels, lodges and restaurant should be properly managed at required places and numbers.
  3. Transportation facility should be accessible in all the tourist areas.
  4. International flights should also be increased.
  5. Pollution should be controlled as soon as possible so that all the tourist would get a fresh life here.
  6. Cheating, begging and following the tourist should be controlled as soon as possible so to let the tourist to live free and independently.
  7. Tourist Destinations should be well faciliated and news destination should be identified.
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Propose to Annapurna Conservation Area Project

22:56 |

Annapurna Conservation is a major site destination for many internal and external tourists.Many programme are launched to make this place a better area.Some of those points are:-

  • Agricultural training
  • Road Construction
  • Afforestation and Care
  • Small Scale Industry Scheme
  • Lodge building and Cook Training
  • Tourist Education and Information
  • Production of leaflets, maps and book 
  • Training for tourist guide and naturalists
  • Handicraft training and marketing Skills
  • Development of School and more priority to Educational Attainment and Educational Sector
  • Bird Watching and conservation clubs in Schools
  • Nutrition, health and Family planning education
  • Forest Management and Training 
  • Rubbish Disposal Management 
  • Water Resources Management
  • Scientific Survey of Wildlife

Note:- These Programmes are also carried out under the Present Three Year Interim Plan

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Dinosaur: Super Giants of Ancient World

20:32 |

Dinosaur: The Great Giant of the Ancient Times

 Before Millions of Years there lived great, enormous and frightening creatures in the world. They Were Dinosaur. Before Millions of Years approximately 65 million years they got extinct from the Earth or they vanished.Archealogists and Historian have been studying them since many years.

Skull of Camarasaurus
 According to the survey done in 1970 A.D. it was found that nearly 4000 to 3000 fossils of Dinosaur had made Earth their Home, a living planet. In Australia they found the fact and enormous amount of fossils were found here which led to conclude that this was the main habitat of Dinosaur.This Area now is commenced with the study of Fossils of Dinosaur.People think that this are was the main home of Great Dinosaur, dangerous reptiles which ruled World Before Humans originated. 

From the fossils found there many things like their shape, size, structure, their activities, lifestyle and the cause of their extinction can be extracted out from the study. Firstly British Archealogists searched such giants and gave the name of Dinosaur which stands for ' dangerous lizard.' . From the survey, more than 1000 species of Dinosaur existed on the Earth before. Hope you can find eggs of those giants in your Garden. Won't You?
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