Laxmikant Kaushik(ImageKhabar)-Guardians did many jobs for their children only on Grade 10 for scoring maximum marks in S.L.C Examination. They bought expensive books, Encyclopedias, Guess Papers, Help Books and also sent them to tution, Coaching, Hostel. After S.L.C too they are not getting to breathe they are sending their Children to do Bridge Course. Bridge Course is being popular nowadays in Nepalese Society. In every chowks, Gullies we can see the advertisement of Bridge Course Classes. Recently the institution and Education Foundation has increased within short time.

In recent days due to the advertisement of Bridge Course classes everywhere Education Foundation and Institution classes are being opened.IN the name of Education due to comprehensive scope of the education foundation the Guardians are being looted very badly. In the bridge Course the Lessons are not revised and taught so seriously. They tell the students that you'll learn them in future at 11 or 12. So, there is no question on why not or why so. Many of the guardians and parents run up with the advertisements or due to the brokers who have been taking the advantage of these students as well as Education System. Many of the students do not enquire themselves deeply rather they just go towards them who has big talks. Parents feel proud to teach their students in Big and Well Named Colleges and School. In this rush they forget minor things and enquiries. The parents must understand the marks do not make the future of his/her child . It is the practical and the art of facing the opportunities as well as the problems and the step they take towards success.
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